Minggu, 15 April 2012

a type of skin disease

Types of Skin Diseases . Numerous types of skin diseases that can attack us at any time. For the problem of violence in the disease was varied. As well as panu disease until skin disease hard to healing. Sure you would not believe if this skin disease can result in death. It is obvious the case.Because skin is the body's first line of defense when attacked by bacteria or viruses. The most simple example, our skin when exposed to sunlight for too long, will go out there and spread to other organs.

Types of Skin Diseases

Some of the main defense against bacterial or virus attack, the skin also serves to keep the body temperature to remain stable and as a tool to remove some dirt-dirt. Disruption of the skin is very annoying and can inhibit our activities. disorders of the skin often occur due to many factors, among others, that is the weather, the range of accommodation, unsanitary living habits, allergies, and others.And skin diseases that often occur are as follows:

Types of Skin Diseases

1.Eksim (Dermatitis).
the main symptoms of eczema sufferers feel is excessive itching of the skin. Then accompanied by squeezing the skin, scaly and cracked, there is a small blisters or pus containing water. Hands, feet, inner thighs and ear are part of the body most often affected by eczema. Eczema divided into two, namely dry and wet eczema. In wet eczema, also will feel hot and cold over the skin. Eczema allergy because of certain chemical stimuli as found in detergents, soaps, drugs and cosmetics, sensitivity to certain foods such as shrimp, fish, eggs , chicken meat, alcohol, vetsin (MSG), and others. Eczema can also be caused due to crop pollen allergy, dust, rangangan climate, even emotional disturbances.Eczema is often attacked in the most talented people with allergies. This disease often occurs repeatedly or relapse. Therefore, it should be noted to avoid things or substances that can cause allergies (alergen.) But, with proper treatment, the disease can be handled well, so reducing the number of recurrence. In some cases, the eczema will disappear along with the increasing age of patients. The main objective of treatment is relieve itching of the skin in order to avoid infection. When the skin feels very itchy and dry after committing or touch something, we suggest you use moisturizing cream to moisturize the skin. These actions are better carried out when the skin is still slightly wet, like after a bath. Which is applied until the moisturizer will protect the skin. To reduce itching, skin should be compressed with cold water. ointments or creams containing corticosteroids such as hydrokortison given to reduce inflammation or inflammatory process. For severe cases, corticosteroids should swallow tablets. When the area affected by eczema was infected with an antibiotic to kill bacteria swallowed to cause infection. other required medicine is an antihistamine to reduce itching that is too heavy, and cyclosporin for patients who do not berespon against all types of treatment provided.

 2.Bisul (Furunkel). Boils is a form of dermatitis bump, it appears to express, which will grow. This bump fills with pus, and feels warm and beating. Boils can grow in all parts of the body. But more to grow at a slow part of the body, such as, folding legs, butt gap, around the neck and armpits, and also the head.boil because the bacterial infection Stafilokokus aureus on the skin through hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and then create infection local. Factors that increase the risk of ulcers among other poor hygiene, infected wounds, softening of diabetes, cosmetics that clog pores, and the use of chemicals. To prevent ulcers, should remain hygiene and environmental, and nutritional intake should be completely observed. Because good nutrition will strengthen the body resistance.

 3.Campak (Rubella). It is an acute infectious disease caused by viruses. Usually your child. Early symptoms of measles are fever, sniffles, sneezes, you feel fatigue, headache, appetite decreased drastically and inflammation. After several days of symptoms itchy red rash appears, gets larger, spread to several parts of the body.

 4.Kudis (Skabies). Scabies is a disease caused by parasitic mites that itch that is scabiei var hominis sarcoptes. Infected skin sores happen more in the slums and do not take care of the body. Symptoms of scabies is the itch is so great at night, especially on the sidelines on your toes, hands, under the armpits, genitals, kidney and others. Scabies is very easy to spread to other people, are not directly or indirectly. have a direct course through skin contact with skin contact with sores of others. Can be spread indirectly through towels or clothing worn interchangeably with patients with scabies. Very simple way to avoid scabies course with the cleanliness of the environment and the body.

 5.Kurap. Ringworm occurs because fungi. Usually the symptoms are skin become thickened and the skin arise circles increasingly clear, scaly, moist and succulent and prickly. Then the circles will appear white spots. Ringworm arise because less keep their skin clean. Body part that is usually attacked ringworm of the neck, neck, and scalp

6.Psoriasis. Psoriasis including confidential diagnosed skin disease. Normal part of the body affected by eczema are the same as normal parts of the body affected with psoriasis, plus scalp, buttocks, bottom, palms, and soles of the feet. Stress, trauma, and low calcium levels can cause psoriasis. Psoriasis is not infectious diseases, but is decreased.Incidence of psoriasis symptoms are red spots on which the scales are thick and clinging white-layered. When you scratch, the scales will fall out. First, skin surface area is small, and the longer it is widening.

 7.Melanoma. Melanoma is a very serious skin cancer, so it can cause death if not treated.Melanoma is a type of cancer that causes changes in skin moles, very dangerous if it appears on the neck or scalp. One of the precursors to melanoma is a mole that grows. In addition there is a change in mole color and visible signs of inflammation in the skin around the mole.

 8.Impetigo. Impetigo is a contagious skin disease, usually caused by bacteria. Impetigo causes the skin to become itchy, fluid filled blisters and red skin. Impetigo is very easily occur in children ages two to six years. Bacteria usually enter the skin through insect bites, cuts, or scratches. Cleanliness is very important for people with impetigo

9.Jerawat. Based on research, around 80 percent of all the people ever have acne. Acne as a skin disease caused by bacteria that grows in the skin and pores connect to oil glands under the skin. Acne can develop if treatment is not done in the early stages of his appearance. Acne not only grow in the face, but can also grow in other parts of the body, especially hips. Former Eliminate Acne How and How to Get rid of blackheads , you can see the previous article.


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